Lino: La Leggera Eleganza delle Camicie Maschili

Il lino è un tessuto naturale molto antico, le prime tracce di fibre di lino risalgono al neolitico.
Il lino è un tessuto versatile che viene spesso utilizzato per realizzare camicie da uomo e abbigliamento estivo leggero. Ecco una descrizione del tessuto lino:

1. Produzioni: Il lino è una fibra tessile ottenuta dalla pianta del lino (Linum usitatissimum). Questa pianta è coltivata principalmente in regioni con un clima fresco e umido, attualmente le coltivazioni più pregiate sono quelle di Francia Belgio e Olanda.

2. Caratteristiche fisiche: Il lino è noto per la sua consistenza leggermente rugosa e la sua superficie irregolare. Ha una lucentezza naturale e può variare nel colore da una tonalità beige naturale a sfumature di grigio, marrone e persino bianco. Il tessuto lino ha una finitura fresca e traspirante, perfetta per l’abbigliamento estivo.
3. Traspirabilità e assorbimento: Una delle principali caratteristiche del lino è la sua eccellente capacità di assorbire e rilasciare umidità. È altamente traspirante, il che significa che permette all’aria di circolare liberamente attraverso il tessuto, mantenendo la pelle fresca e asciutta durante i mesi caldi.

4. Durabilità: Nonostante la sua natura leggera e traspirante, il tessuto lino è resistente e durevole.
5. Proprietà termoregolatrici: Il lino ha la particolare caratteristica di adattarsi alla temperatura circostante. Può fornire un senso di freschezza quando fa caldo, ma anche un comfort accogliente in climi più freddi.
6. Sostenibilità: Il lino è una fibra naturale e biodegradabile, il che lo rende una scelta ecologica per l’abbigliamento.
7. Utilizzo per le camicie da uomo: Grazie alle sue proprietà traspiranti e leggere, le camicie da uomo in lino sono molto popolari durante la stagione estiva o in luoghi con un clima caldo. Molto elegante e molto casual, questa fibra assume connotati diversi a seconda dell’utilizzo e degli abbinamenti. Le camicie in lino possono essere indossate casualmente con le maniche arrotolate per un look più rilassato o con un paio di pantaloni eleganti per occasioni più formali.
In sintesi, il tessuto lino utilizzato per le camicie da uomo offre un mix di comfort, freschezza e stile, ed è particolarmente adatto per le giornate calde e soleggiate.

Linen: Light Elegance of Men’s Shirts

Flax is a very ancient natural yarn; the first traces of flax fibers date back to the Neolithic.
Linen is a versatile fabric often used to make men’s shirts and light summer clothing. Here is a description of the linen fabric:

1. Origin: Linen is a textile fiber from the flax plant (Linum usitatissimum). This plant is mainly cultivated in regions with a fresh and humid climate. The most valuable crops are those of France, Belgium and Holland.
2. Physical characteristics: Linen is known for its slightly wrinkled texture and uneven surface. It has a natural sheen and can range from a natural beige shade to shades of grey, brown and even white. The linen is a fresh and breathable fabric, perfect for summer wear.
3. Breathability and absorbency: One of the main characteristics of linen is its excellent ability to absorb and release moisture. It is highly breathable, allowing air to circulate freely through the fabric, keeping you cool and dry during the hot months.

4. Durability: Despite its lightweight and breathable nature, linen fabric is strong and durable.
5. Thermoregulatory properties: Linen has the particular characteristic of adapting to the surrounding temperature. It can provide a sense of coolness in hot weather and cosy comfort in colder weather.
6. Sustainability: Linen is a natural and biodegradable fiber, making it an eco-friendly choice for clothing.
7. Use for men’s shirts: Due to its breathable and lightweight properties, men’s linen shirts are prevalent during the summer season or in places with a hot climate. Very elegant and very casual, this fiber takes on different connotations depending on the use and combinations. Linen shirts can be worn casually with the sleeves rolled up for a more relaxed look or with a pair of dress trousers for more formal occasions.

In summary, the linen fabric used for men’s shirts offers a mix of comfort, freshness and style and is particularly suitable for hot and sunny days.
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La Camicia Càrrel si Veste di Nuovo e diventa ancora di più Icona di Stile.

Càrrel si Rinnova nella Tradizione.
Di seguito i principali aspetti sartoriali della camicia Càrrel che soddisferanno i palati più raffinati ed esigenti:

Mosca sartoriale: La mosca o moschina sul fianco, che unisce lo sparato al dietro della camicia, è cucita a mano con il tradizionale triangolo di tessuto in tralice (diagonale). Un dettaglio tecnico, un vezzo, ma senz’altro un tocco di eleganza ed esclusività sartoriale.
Polsino attaccato a quattro pieghe: si dice che i dettagli fanno la differenza. Questo è un dettaglio visibile e di assoluta sartorialità. La manica viene plissettata quattro volte prima di essere unita al polsino della camicia. Quattro pieghe che valorizzano il capo che state indossando.
Spalla e fianco rifinito a mano con impuntura AMF: Il fianco della camicia e la spalla con la manica non hanno impunture visibili. Come una giacca. Una tecnica sartoriale che richiede manualità ed esperienza nell’esecuzione. Sempre di dettagli stiamo parlando…
Asola rifinita a mano: L’asola dei bottoni viene rifinita a mano. Un passaggio fondamentale nella rifinitura della camicia. Questa tecnica permette di avere l’asola a goccia, un orientamento dall’alto verso il basso dell’asola dove si inserisce il bottone.
Bottoni in madreperla australiana: bianchissimi e freddi. Sì, perché devono risultare freddi al tatto. Provateli mettendoli a contatto con il polso o sulla guancia, non sentirete il suono delle onde del mare, ma riconoscerete la qualità.
Pochette abbinata dello stesso tessuto: chi non vorrebbe estrarre il fazzoletto da taschino per aiutare la sua compagna al momento giusto? Un gesto antico, ma sempre apprezzato. La pochette identica alla camicia che indossate sarà a vostra disposizione nella confezione della camicia.
La camicia da uomo è un capo di abbigliamento elegante e per noi è un piacere proporlo ai nostri clienti nella sua massima espressione.
Càrrel è la camicia con il bottone rosso. Impossibile dimenticarla, impossibile imitarla. Siamo orgogliosi di proporre ai nostri clienti questo marchio che non ha eguali per storia ed unicità della camiceria italiana.

The Càrrel Shirt gets a New Look and becomes even more a Style Icon.

From the SS 2022 summer collection, Càrrel is renewed in tradition.
Below are the main sartorial aspects of the Càrrel shirt that will satisfy the most refined and demanding palates:

Tailored gusset: The side gusset, which joins the shirt boson to the back, is sewn by hand with the traditional triangle of fabric in cross (diagonal). A technical detail, a quirk, but certainly a touch of elegance and sartorial exclusivity.
Attached cuff with four folds: it is said that the details make the difference. This is a visible and absolutely tailored detail. The sleeve is pleated four times before being joined to the shirt cuff. Four folds enhance the garment you are wearing. They will appreciate it, but most of all, you will appreciate it.
Shoulder and side finished by hand with AMF stitching: The side of the shirt and the shoulder with the sleeve have no visible stitching. Like a jacket. A tailoring technique that requires dexterity and experience in execution. We are always talking about details …

Hand-finished buttonhole: The buttonhole is finished by hand. A fundamental step in the finishing of the shirt. This technique allows a teardrop shape, an orientation from the top to the bottom of the buttonhole where the button is inserted.
Australian mother-of-pearl buttons: very white and cold. Yes, because they must be cold to the touch. Try them by putting in contact with the wrist or on the cheek, you will not hear the sound of the sea waves, but you will recognize the quality
Handkerchief in the same fabric: who wouldn’t want to take the handkerchief out of his jacket to help his partner at the right moment? An ancient gesture, but always appreciated. The pochette identical to your shirt will be in the shirt packaging.
The men’s shirt is an elegant garment and for us it is a pleasure to offer it to our customers in its maximum expression.
Càrrel is the shirt with the red button. Impossible to forget it, impossible to imitate it. We are proud to offer our customers this brand that has no equal for the history and uniqueness of Italian shirt making.
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SOSTEGNO ALLE PICCOLE E MEDIE IMPRESE DI ABBIGLIAMENTO è una piattaforma di vendita online di abbigliamento, accessori e scarpe uomo/donna.

Un sito di E-Commerce multimarca italiano che vende online abbigliamento dal 2014.




La nostra organizzazione è esclusivamente rivolta al mercato online, non abbiamo negozi fisici tradizionali. Siamo professionisti nel nostro settore, con un background importante nel mondo della moda.

Siamo consapevoli del cambiamento della società e dei processi evolutivi del commercio e dell’internazionalizzazione globale.

Vogliamo essere un canale di vendita alternativo per le aziende e i brand di abbigliamento che rispettano alcuni requisiti in linea con le collaborazioni già presenti sul nostro marketplace.

Una vetrina sul mondo che valorizza i migliori prodotti e marchi di abbigliamento, seguendo l’evoluzione del commercio e dei rapporti sociali.

Per collaborazioni, contattate il nostro ufficio stile a questo indirizzo:

Oppure telefonicamente al (+39) 075 9288136

SUPPORT FOR SMALL AND MEDIUM CLOTHING COMPANIES is an online sales platform for men's, women's clothing, accessories, and shoes.

An Italian multi-brand E-Commerce site that has been selling clothing online since 2014.




Our organization is exclusively aimed at the online market, we do not have traditional physical stores. We are professionals in our sector, with an important background in the world of fashion.

We are aware of the change in society, the evolutionary processes of trade and global internationalization.

We want to be an alternative sales channel for companies and clothing brands that respect certain requirements in line with the collaborations already present in our marketplace.

A showcase on the world that enhances the best products and clothing brands, following the evolution of commerce, and social relationships.

If you are interested, please contact our style office at this address:

Or by phone at (+39) 075 9288136



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Men’s Shirt – Selection guide

The shirt is a piece of clothing that gives the wearer "cool elegance" and style.

The guidelines that govern the choice of a shirt are never trivial, we try to give suggestions by analyzing some fundamental aspects: the collar, the fabric, the color, the pattern and the wearability.

The Collar

The collar is certainly the most obvious part when choosing a shirt. Personal taste is often decisive, but the context of use, the shape and the heaviness are very important aspects to consider.

The shape of the collar flaps is divided into: Classic or straight: with closed flaps - Spread or Cutaway: with flaps 180° or very open - Button-down: with buttons on the tips - Penny collar or Club: with tips rounded - Wing tips collar or diplomatic: to be worn with the bow tie - Mandarin or Stand-Up: only the strap without flaps.

Classic or straight

Spread or Cutaway


Penny collar or Club

Wing tips collar or Diplomatic

Mandarin or Stand-Up

The heaviness of the collar is determined from the heat-sealed interior and can be: Stiff, Semi-rigid or soft collar. The stiff collar are perfect with the tie and for formal wear, the semi-rigid collar can be worn with or without a tie, the soft collar with the "Water soluble" interior, is  instead to be chosen for the unstructured and casual shirts.

The Fabric

The Fabric: as well in this case, the choice derives from the personal taste, but seasonality is also important. In fact, in addition to the kind of yarn used, the heaviness of the fabric can change and there are fabrics that are more suitable for spring-summer and others for autumn-winter:

We could speak a lot about fabrics. For the moment, we are going to give general information that can help you purchase the right shirt at the right time.

The color:

The color: it is said that the white shirt should be worn only after sunset, while for daytime a blue or pastel-colored shirt is preferable. The context, but also the season, plays a decisive role. Certainly, a white or light shirt in the summertime is more comfortable than a dark shirt, especially if the structure is a muslin or a zephyr or even better a linen canvas.

The pattern

The pattern: the stripes are very elegant during daytime under a blazer and with a beautiful tie, the light blue solid color goes perfectly with a beautiful oxford or twill fabric. The printed pattern is more suitable for leisure and evenings with friends, while the checked is suitable for trips out of town and on the weekend. Mind out, some checked shirts made of noble fabrics can be worn very well even under a jacket.

The fit

The fit: not all body types are the same and therefore the wearability must be different depending on the cut and the model of the shirt. Usually, the fit is regulated by the pleats or darts behind the shirt, as well as by the cut of the fabric. We identify 3 fits that perfectly solve every need of body shapes: Comfort or Regular, Modern and Slim

Comfort is a loose fit, especially in the waist and chest, it has a back without darts or pleats and is suitable for those who need larger volumes.

Modern is perfect for most body shapes, has darts behind, but its volumes are neither too large nor too tight.

The Slim is a suitable fit only for those who have a very thin and athletic body, not just because of darts behind, but the cut of the fabric is modelled especially in the waist.

Each topic covered in this article can be deepened and we will certainly do it in the future, for the moment our aim was to give a general overview of the most important features, and provide interesting clues and a valuable contribution to choosing the right shirt for you .

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The best checklist for a perfect online shopping experience

Some useful tips for online shoppers


Ask the Browser

If the World Wide Web is an ocean, then the browser is your North Star. The only way to find easily what you are looking for is to make an online research. So, choose your favorite search engine (that could be Google, Yahoo, Bing and many more) and type in the reseach bar the keywords for the product you are looking for. The search solutions will certainly be a lot, if you don't know which website to prefer, keep reading, in the next paragraphs we will help you choose the best retailer for you.

Know what the e-shop offers

Check the website's security

Before choosing an e-commerce for your purchase, remember to check out if the website has the green icon of the padlock at the beginning of the address bar and if it has the initials https, and not http. In case they are not provided, avoid to make an order because the payment could be dangerous and your data could be read by third parties.


Read about other customers experience

In the case of online shopping, it may be difficult to trust the store and the service offered. But there is a solution for this: relying on other customers reviews! There is no better way than listening to the experiences of others to decide if that store is safe and reliable, if the shipments are punctual and the products are really as shown. Every e-commerce has a partner that collects the reviews of its customers, so you just have to go and read what other customers have written about it and decide for yourself.

Check the Free Shipping limit

Many e-commerces, including, offer Free Shipping above a certain order total. So before you make an order, check that limit and decide whether you should buy more to avoid the Shipping Fees. Receiving a parcel at home is always a joy, what if that delivery is also free?!

Read the Terms of Use and the FAQs

Boring but important! Spend some minutes reading the terms of use of the site, consult the Frequently Asked Questions and all the sections dedicated to the services offered. Here you will learn about the payment methods, shipping and return of products.

Join the community and get many benefits

Very often, e-commerce invites their visitors to subscribe to their newsletter. This offers multiple benefits that you should not underestimate.
First of all, the e-mails you will receive contain information about products and sales, such as communications about new arrivals, offers or exclusive promotions. Also, when you sign up, a welcome coupon is offered to make your first purchase, so why not take advantage of it?

Proceed to the purchase in tranquillity

Use safe payment methods

Once you have chosen the store for your purchase and you are proceeding with the order, choose the payment method you prefer among the various methods offered (usually credit cards, PayPal, bank transfer and cash on delivery). Among the cards, prefer when possible the credit or the prepaid ones instead of the debit ones because they are safer. Anyway, remember that if an e-commerce has the https Security certificate, the payment is managed and guaranteed by your bank. Today the most common and faster method is through Paypal that allows you to pay without entering your bank details each time, without any commissions.



Type your data without any worries

During the order procedure, you are asked to fill the forms with your datas and shipping address. If you have read the Terms of Use, you know that your data are always safe and protected by the Privacy Policy! So don't worry about it and complete your order filling your personal information carefully to avoid typing errors.

Contact the customer service when needed

If you still have doubts or special needs, do not hesitate to contact the customer service by phone, email or online chat, they are available and happy to help you with the purchase!

Enjoy the shopping and wait for your purchase!

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7 things to do on Valentine’s Day

valentine's day

Find your favorite Valentine's Day activity

Whether you are in a stable and long-lasting relationship or you are a fresh new couple, you probably have no idea of what to do on Valentine's Day. If that's so, here are seven excellent but simple ideas for spending the day with your beloved! There are both low-budget still enjoyable activities to do nearby, and more refined and special solutions.. pick up the one it's more suitable for you!


A day at the SPA

Look for a romantic SPA or go to a free hot springs site, the relax is guaranteed!

Or, if you prefer a more intimate place, do it at home. Enjoy a hot bath with natural essences while listening to your favorite music. Simple but perfect, isn't it?


Ice-skating or skiing

This season is the best one to enjoy winter activities, so why not take advantage of it? 

Snow gives a natural romantic atmosphere, a day of skiing or ice-skating is the right solution for those who want to spend an active romantic day. Then falling down together or in each other's arms will be so romantic!

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How to iron a dress shirt in 5 steps

Guide to ironing a dress shirt

No one actually likes to iron, but there are garments that really must be ironed before being worn. The dress shirt is surely one of them, wearing an expensive, fine shirt is completely worthless if it is full of creases.

So, given that ironing a shirt is compulsory (except for special no iron shirts), it is necessary to learn how to do it properly. Read this guide and practice as much as you can until you became a master of ironing!

Ironing essential tools:

  • The iron – Invest in a good quality high-heat iron, whether it’s a travel sized or not. It is also useful to have a steam iron, it will take you half the time and the outcome will be better.
  • The board – Do not undervalue the importance of the ironing board, the wrong support is really bad for the posture and it will make the work more difficult and even dangerous. Choose carefully the board that’s confortable to you, the adjustable high boards are the best ones.
  • Starch spray: Not necessary but useful, use it on the shirt before ironing.
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7 footwear styles that every man should own



Shoes are the real basis of a perfect look. The shoe is always an important part of the male image, both for formal and working outfits, both for casual ones. Every occasion has its perfect shoe, it is absolutely wrong to wear the same shoe in different places and at different moments of the day. So, here is a list of the 7 styles of shoes that every man should have in his closet.


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