There are meetings that change.. the World.
This is what the event “Fa’ la cosa giusta!” (Do the right thing!) – that takes place in Milan every year – tries to do. It proposes many green solutions for living, eating, wearing, working.. with zero impact, sharing resoures and respecting the environment. Because future belongs to those that create it.
The last week end, from the 13th to the 15th of March, this event has taken place in Milan, summoning all people interested in a critical and ethic lifestyle. The major topics were organic and zero kilometres food, ethic fashion, Eco Wedding, conscious turism, fair trade, ONG projects, and again, street food, ethic bank, recycling, natural cosmetics.
In the section of Critical Fashion, the showcase devoted to ethic and eco-friendly fashion, visitors had the chance to discover original ideas about fashion, accessories and design. They could see products made with recycled objects, handmade jewellery, natural dyed clothes.
Consuming ethic fashion means joining a different symbolic and concrete clothing meanig, looking for new ways to make and live fashion, following trends and aestethic without excluding ethics.
We need to respect products that value manual skills, creativity and self-making, that are made with ecologic or recycled materials.
Moving with the times means to satisfy the new consumer’s needs and to offer environmental and economic sustainable values, to see fashion as an instrument to live consciously.