Do the right thing – Critical Fashion


There are meetings that change.. the World.

This is what the event “Fa’ la cosa giusta!” (Do the right thing!) – that takes place in Milan every year – tries to do. It proposes many green solutions for living, eating, wearing, working.. with zero impact, sharing resoures and respecting the environment. Because future belongs to those that create it.

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When fashion becomes politics..

The murder of the young woman that happened in Turkey some days ago is (I’m afraid so!) not unusual, but the protest that is born after that is really remarcable..

Turkish protesters have walkedin the streets of Istanbul after men in Turkey and in Azerbaijan posted images of themselves in skirts as a protest against the death of the young female student. The brutal death of 20-year-old Ozgecan Aslan on 11 February provoked a widespread reaction on social media – which has unusually translated into physical action!
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Proud to be Italian

We still believe in the quality of the Made in Italy, we still believe in ourselve’s worth. We just need to keep proving it!

Crediamo ancora nella qualità e nel pregio del Made in Italy, crediamo ancora nel nostro valore! Dobbiamo solo continuare a dimostrarlo.

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